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Rick Rivard

Artist Statement

These values are treasured: Nature is euphemistically a difficult mistress- at best, but there is beauty. We have one earth and we are but one species on that earth, and maybe not even the most important one. Nature does not wish us or any other being ill; what happens just is. Our emotions spring from our perceptions of nature (all the things that happen to us and around us); contrary to human preoccupation existence isn’t exclusively about us (anthropomorphism).

I work a great deal around predators in Alaska. There is no doubt if things go wrong how it is going to work out. However, it will not be ideological. It will not happen over an abstraction I did or did not understand. People- who knows what could happen. I am much more uncomfortable in a large airport then fishing next to a bear.

I do not espouse a journalistic ideal. I am aware that my act of observation changes the event. Even bears who are habituated act somewhat differently because I am there. Those who are not habituated act a good deal differently. I am interested in showing how it felt; but I admit to a certain hypocrisy in being willing to add impact by using the power of the belief that photography accurately captures a moment in time.

I am a retired teacher and a continuous photographer. I have been a photographer for over thirty years. I have done commercial photographic work (mostly portraiture) for most of those years. I attended several colleges and many workshops none of which means much if my images do not speak to you.

I hope my images impact you.

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